
June 25, 2011

Oak Point Park and Nature Preserve

So Josh and I went on a 6 mile walk today through Oak Point Park and Nature Preserve.  I didn't even know it existed before we went.  It is so pretty!!! It is right between Plano and Allen.  It had small lakes throughout it where you could fish and playgrounds too!  It also had paved walking trails or more adventurous trails through the woods.

June 20, 2011

Grocery Game Savings this week

Today I spent about $35 and I got $205 worth of stuff at CVS and Walgreens.  I got:

2 boxes of hair color
Big bottle of calcium pills- FREE
5 boxes of cereal
motts applesauce
3 cans of tomato sauce
nabisco snacks
Planters Mixed Nuts
Dove Chocolates- FREE
Powerbar Protein Snack Bites- FREE
2 tubes of toothpaste- BOTH FREE
2 Revlon Eyeshadows
6 Revlon Nail Polishes
Hair gel- FREE
Body Wash
GUM Probiotic Dental Lozenges- FREE


June 18, 2011

Tutu Inspiration from the web

This tutu is SOO cute for the 4th of July!!! Love it! 


Making Tutus... so easy and cheap!

Well, as some of you know, I coach junior high cheer at my school.  One of the days at NCA Cheer Camp is "fun day" where the girls can wear a fun accessory with their camp outfit.  We decided on tutus.  So, I had to make the decision of whether I would find and buy them or make them.  After going to a few places and seeing the cost and not finding exactly what I was looking for, I decided to make them!  It's SUPER EASY and here's how I did it:

Materials Needed:
Elastic or Satin Ribbon
Sewing Machine or Needle and Thread by hand if you are using elastic
Optional decoration:  satin ribbon,  flowers, gems, puff balls, small pre-made ribbons

I found this great set of instructional pix on
1. Figure out how much material you will need.  You will need about 5 yards of tulle for each tutu you are making if you don't want the tutus super poofy.  If you want them poofier, use about 10 yards.  This number will vary depending on the length you want the tutu, how full you want the tutu, and how big the child/person is you are making them for.  I used about 5 yards on each tutu for junior high age girls and each tutu was 16 inches long.  I got my material from JoAnns.  Tulle is typically about $1.50/yard.  I saved 40% using a coupon.

2.  You will also need elastic.  I used half and inch, but I was wishing after I made them that I had bought thinner elastic.  To determine how much you will need, measure the waist of the person you are making the tutu for and then subtract 3 inches.  (This will allow for the way it stretches out as you are making the tutu)

(You can also use ribbon instead of elastic.  To determine how much ribbon you will need, measure the person's waist, and then double that number.

3. Once you get your materials home,  it is time to start measuring and cutting.  First,  unroll your tulle and measure it to double the length you want the tutu.  I wanted mine 16 inches long, so I made a cut at 32 inches.  Then, roll that cut of tulle.  Then, cut the roll about every 4 inches.

4.  If you are using elastic,  you will need to sew the elastic closed.  I used my sewing machine and it just took about 30 seconds for each band of elastic I made.

5.  Now you are ready to start tying your tulle onto the elastic or the ribbon.  It helps to put your elastic band around something such as a small, firm pillow or a paper towel roll.  You will take each strip of tulle and fold it in half.  Then, tie a slip knot around the elastic or tulle.  Pull it tight together for a poofy tutu.  Pull it loosely together for a less full tutu.

6.  Keep tying slip knots until you have gone all the way around your elastic or ribbon.

7.  Once finished, have someone put on the tutu so that you can check that all of the strips are even.  You can cut the tutu even shorter at this time if you so desire.

8.  Then, this is the time to add embellishments if you want.

Here is how the tutus turned out:
Thank you Holley with your help making the tutus!!! 

Aren't my junior high girls PRECIOUS???

Me= New Addict of Extreme Couponing!

Have any of ya'll watched that show Extreme Couponing?  Well that show fascinates me.  The only huge problem with it, though is that these ladies spend about 60 hours a week researching and preparing their shopping trips.  Well, I don't have time for that, nor do I want to.  That's just craziness.

My Solution??  THEGROCERYGAME.COM!  This site is awesome!  (Thanks Brittany for sharing it with me!)  With this site, you pay $10 a month for them to do all of the many hours of research for you.  They match all of the grocery stores sales with coupons that have not expired yet to give you the best possible prices.  All I do is login and click on the stores I want to shop at.  Then, you scroll through her list of deals for the week.  You click on the items you want, then gather your coupons, print your list, and go to the store.  So easy and every time I go to the store, I am AMAZED with how much I saved!  It feels like I am on crack or something.  Seriously!  It is such a high every time you go to the register and you got a ton of stuff for very little.

Here are some of my favorite couponing websites:

Do you ever wonder how those women get 400 bottles of gatorade for free???  Well, they have to have 400 coupons.  Here are some options for getting your hands on so many coupons: 
1. You could go recycling bin diving.
2. You could ask your non-couponing friends, family, and neighbors for their coupons.
3. Or, the easiest way, is to use a coupon clipping service for the items you would be getting for free or nearly free and you want to stock up.
      Some great coupon clipping sites I found are:

I feel like I am becoming a crazy woman who should wear this shirt.  Maybe I should make my own. =)

February 19, 2011

Me and my TRUE Valentine hahaha

This is our boxer Dexter who I totally love. He is totally sweet and affectionate. My husband has a little too much fun with Photoshop sometimes. 

Josh's New Interest in Photography

So my husband has gotten really into photography lately. On Valentine's Day, we got all dressed up and took these pics. We didn't actually go anywhere fun, but it looks like it!